Tag Archives: naked winery

Portland Trip, Part Two

okay…so, we left the tour (it was over, we had to) and made our way to a nail salon (K and A are good that way…and, if you saw my nails in the last post, you know how neglected they were). after some primping and whatnot, we headed to our dinner reservation…at Casa Naranja, a […]

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January 16, 2010 - 4:23 pm

whimzie - I never knew there was so much food in Portland! I want to know what name they submitted in the contest!

January 17, 2010 - 9:57 am

photomo - There IS, whimzie…and I ATE ALL OF IT.
It's possible there isn't any left.
Portland's restaurant (according to Nan the Tour Guide) explosion happened about fifteen to twenty years ago (using natural and organic food-since their city structure with farms just outside the city limits lends itself to uberfreshness).

As for the contest names…I'm not sure I can say until the contest is over. I'll definitely keep you posted…they had to choose a name (for a white wine with peachy overtones) and write a description on the back label. Their entries were goooood.