Sweet Baby Grayson. One Year.

I got to photograph Sweet Baby Grayson again recently – his sixth month shoot is here – and I cannot believe he’s already a year old! Grayson is the son of Devon and Misti, who’s SuperAssistant Terry’s cousin. This time around, we had a few more family members along for the ride (Misti’s parents and sister got some Grayson pics too!). Grayson had a baseball-themed birthday party, so we had to get him out on a field! Fun fact: Grayson has attended more Texas Rangers games than I have this year. To wrap up the day, we all watched Grayson have cake – which I think is the best way to end any photoshoot. 🙂

Devon + Misti – you guys (and your folks and your sister) are all so awesome. Thank you for being so agreeable to anything I suggested – and for making that day so much fun. I hope you love your photos! Tell Grayson hi for me!

August 14, 2012 - 8:58 pm

Captain A - Awesome pictures!

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